Dr. Abhishake Mondal’s contribution as a Reviewer was acknowledged, amongst 110 other reviewers, by Inorganic Chemistry, ACS.
August 2021
Ms. Krishna Kaushik was awarded Best Student Poster Award at MolMag 2021.
Ms. Krishna Kaushik and Mr. Sujit Kamilya won the Best Poster Award at MolMag-2021, IX International conference “High-Spin Molecules and Molecular Magnets” and XIV Russian-Japanese workshop “Open Shell Compounds and Molecular Spin Devices”.
An article in collaboration with Prof. D.D. Sarma, discussing the “Properties of [Fe4Cu2] magnetic cluster compound” got published in Bulletin of Materials Science.
Dr. Abhishek Monal delivered a One Day National Webinar On “Molecular Magnetic Switches: Fundamental and future aspect “ in commemoration of the 160th Birth Anniversary of Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray Organized by the Department of Chemistry In collaboration with IQAC at the Hiralal Mazumdar Memorial College for Women.
Ms. Krishna Kaushik, Ms. Sukanya Bagchi, Mr. Sujit Kamilya, Dr. Subrata Ghosh, and Ms. Sakshi Mehta presented posters at MolMag-2021, IX International conference “High-Spin Molecules and Molecular Magnets” and XIV Russian-Japanese workshop “Open Shell Compounds and Molecular Spin Devices”.
July 2021
Mr. Sujit Kamilya, Ms. Krishna Kaushik, and Ms. Sakshi Mehta presented a poster at the Interdisciplinary Topics in Advanced Materials – ITAM 2021.